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Trauma Recovery is a Uniquely Personal Process

As I've been doing the work to heal from complex trauma, I have found myself engaging in several different types of recovery spaces - therapist offices, books, videos, blogs, social media accounts, and a few different support groups.

The interesting thing I have seen pop over and over again in these spaces is that there really is no single healing tool or process that works for everyone. What works for one person might be the worst thing for another.

We are all just so different in so many ways and yet somehow we forget this.

We are all collecting data about all the possible ways to heal and then we have to somehow experiment with things until we find what works for us personally.

The process can be daunting.

It has taken me quite a while to figure out what works best for me and even then, I find I still have to switch things up from time to time for one reason or another.

It would be much easier if we all had the same road map to follow that would always work, with clear instructions on where and when to turn, stop, or drive faster, but unfortunately, life just doesn't work this way.

The gift in this situation, however, is that I have finally come to terms with the fact that I am the navigator of my own life. Nobody else can do this work for me.

It is up to me.

If I see that something has worked for someone else, I now approach the possibility for me with curiosity, rather than naive expectation.

If I see that something has worked for someone else, I now approach the possibility for me with curiosity, rather than naive expectation.

I simply try it out for myself and then pay attention to how my mind and body respond.

I take notes and think things through with gentle care and compassion.

If something seems to work well for me then I keep going, but if not (or if I don't feel ready for it), then I let it go.

I've been disappointed way too many times to assume things will always work for me now.

Healing really is a uniquely personal experience and as long as I can remember that, I find the process to be much more gentle.

Here's to healing and hope!

We got this!




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